quite literally.

these pictures don't even do my bruises justice.
so how did i swing such awesome battle wounds? let's just say i slapped some major water after jumping off of a 40 foot ledge.
i'm pretty sure i bruised my tailbone and knocked the wind out of me as well, but that didn't stop me from hiking up the 4,000 stairs of stairway to heaven later that night.

these definitely aren't pictures that i took, considering we did it in the dark. yeah, it's illegal to hike, so we got there around 11:30 at night after the guards left. thank goodness the moon was out that night, because the batteries to my flashlight definitely fell into a drain right before we started up. i don't really think these pictures accurately depict the insanity that is this hike. especially when you get close to the top, and you're literally hiking through the clouds, and everything is slippery from precipitation, and you wouldn't be the least bit surprised if you die that night. i wish i were kidding.
oddly enough, it was one of my favorite days in hawaii. quite possibly my most favorite. i'll just omit the part about me hardly being able to move the next day :)
yes hawaii, i would gladly do it again.