dear dating world,
i know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me – try 10 months to be exact – but this weekend i am quite the hot commodity.
seriously, check out this line-up…
date #1: my car
i have been needing to give him some quality time for a while now. he has been on my case lately – saying how i only use him for rides, but never care about his needs, like being filled up with gasoline goodness. apparently he’s been running on empty all week and he says i don’t even care! then, he tells me that i obviously don’t love him, considering the mess i’m always leaving him in. i think he’s been talking to my bedroom about starting a support group. needy needy.
date #2: scrapbooking
[insert awesome scrapbook page here]
this is pretty much the exact the exact opposite of my car situation. it feels like no matter how much time i set aside for us, scrapbooking is always making these excuses so we can’t get together: your printer isn’t here yet, wait it didn’t come with ink cartridges, do you really want to pull out all of your supplies just to put them away again the next day? yes, scrapbooking, as a matter of fact – i do! so quit avoiding my calls because we are hanging out sunday whether you like it or not.
date #3: the camera

so excited for this one. it has been so so long since we’ve been able to hang out and take some fun people pictures together. but lucky for us, nate the great turned 3 yesterday and i told my sister-in-law that i am designating myself the official photographer for his birthday bash on saturday so she can relax and enjoy the party – though i’m not sure how much “relaxing” can really be had when the party guests are mainly 3-year-olds.
who knows? maybe if i’m lucky i’ll be able to score a 4th date watching a movie at home with ben & jerry.

though i hate it when they fight over me - it’s quite the complicated love triangle.
so if anyone else calls for some jana lovin’, please tell them i’m busy this weekend. next week doesn’t look so good either – painting and i have a lot planned together.
what can i say? people want me :)
p.s. don’t worry giveaway hopefuls, i haven’t forgotten about you. i wouldn’t want anyone to miss out, so there are still a few more days to enter here. i’ll be back monday to choose the lucky winners!